(November 2016c) As a breastfeeding counsellor I am frequently asked about antenatal hand expressing from a gestation of 37 weeks, regarding both the rationale and technique. Colostrum is the first milk produced and is present during pregnancy and until the mature milk comes through at around 2-3 days. Colostrum is particularly important in the protection of the newborn as it transitions from being inside the uterus in a sterile environment to being on the outside, exposed to the bacteria present in our environment. Colostrum is high in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, bacteria- fighting leukocytes as well as a high concentration of the secretory immunoglobulin A (IGA) which acts as a sort of 100% organic vaccine, protecting the vulnerable membranes in the lungs and gastrointestinal system. Furthermore colostrum acts as an antibacterial paint, sealing off the naturally permeable newborn gut. Speaking of the gastrointestinal system, colostrum acts as a laxative...