About Me

My name is Michelle, wife to Kev, a Driving Instructor, and Mum to our 3 children. We live by the sea in East Sussex, England. We are Christians and part of Kings Church in Seaford.

I love to write, and will write about pretty much anything! I've been fortunate enough to be published a few times about various themes in Midwifery. Other running themes on the blog include my family, special needs and anything else capturing my attention.

I'm a midwife and midwifery lecturer in Sussex. I'm also a breastfeeding Educator for a midwife-led antental education company - Birthing & Beyond and I am particularly interested in the role of partners in breastfeeding support and health promotion relating to infant feeding.

When I'm not mothering, working, tidying, studying, cleaning, teaching, lunching with lovely friends, being at church, and er...working, I can be found crocheting and watching cat videos on YouTube.

I can also be found on Instagram and Twitter @michelletant

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