Daisy is 3 months old today. I now have a 5 year old with verbal leakage about to start year 1, a 2 year old with communication issues would you believe (hard to imagine I know with my family...) and now, the icing on the cake. my daughter. Her two brothers thankfully idolise her, we'll see how long that lasts once she starts naffing off with their toys. Reuben can actually say her name which is very sweet if a little galling as he called me 'daddy' until short while ago, in fact reverts to that every now and then for some reason. Both boys never miss an opportunity to cuddle her but they are so gentle too and this is a relief indeed. Although she does now sleep through the night I an still exhausted though. Take this evening cfor example, I really need to have been writing up the amendments to an essay and really getting cracking on my final essay but here I am braindead lying on the sofa unable to put enough sensible words together for my diploma. You might ask then...