I had my 30th birthday party last night. Having celebrated my actual birthday a couple of weeks ago now you'd think I'd start to feel my age... whatever that's supposed to mean.

My theory is that encroaching age is only worrying when you've done nothing with your life and so that in mind I've been doing a bit of reflection.

Husband and 3 incredible children notwithstanding, I've done lots a travel, have immersed myself in South American culture for periods of time. Have led teams on missions to Brazil and Ecuador.

Have got a decent job in the social housing sector which appeals to the communist in me. I've got my own successful business and I'm just finishing a course which i feel totally excited by. I have a dream of training as a Midwife (everyone needs a dream!) and I currently fit into size 14 clothes. What more could a mother of 3 want for?!

Not blowing my own trumpet, just counting my blessings one by one. Now to think about what I want to do between now and 40!
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