"Electrifying" ~ That's my boy!

Those of you who have been walking with me for a while know a little about my lovely, special boy-child. We received his yearly school report this week and I wanted to share with you what a joy it was to read because as much as we love him and know him, and know what an amazing treasure he is, there is something wonderful about hearing it from others. 

He doesn't make the academic progress in line with his peers but we have been fortunate to have a teacher who agrees with us that these are not the important measures of progress in our son. She recognises his ear for music, his leadership skills and his creativity in dance and movement. She called one of his recent performances "electrifying" and has sought out opportunities to enable him to shine, thus increasing his confidence. 

We have watched our boy-child grow this year  into a thoughtful, funny, charismatic, creative 7 year old and it has been a delight to see. He seems unfettered by our worries about his future and he sees little in life that can't be conquered by a cheeky smile and quirky hand gesture. 

His physical, sensory, speech and developmental difficulties continue to be a challenge, particularly as the gap between his (excellent) progress and his physical age increases, and we have lots of questions and decisions to make as we go on, no doubt but right now he is supported and we are filled with confidence again that he will meet HIS potential. 

Things have changed for us as a little family; we accept that we aren't the easiest family to accommodate and we've subsequently chosen to surround ourselves with people who 'get it' and accommodate us anyway, who don't make decisions for us about whether the activity or day out is okay for him - not asking us to things because you think he won't like it is not cool (just for the record). He might surprise you... He surprises us every day. I can't say in complete honesty that I'm untouched by these things, because I'm only human (and I'm allowed to have a whinge on my own blog ;) ). Disappointment in people is heartbreaking.

Inevitably my update about boy-child covers a spectrum (slight pun intended) of rough and smooth. This week though I feel like his report carries a considerable amount of mileage  and I'm so proud of him. 


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