Leave the World a Little Better

I have to admit to being a bit of a quote fiend. I manage to control my addiction mainly because most people find quotes a bit irritating after the 10th one has been rolled out.

However I'm going to ask you to humour me on this one and take a moment to enjoy with me my favourite of all secular quotes. Its by Ralph Emerson and I was introduced to it around 10 years ago. I was initially drawn to it by the whole 'laugh often and love much' bit but it goes on to talk about how we can affect other people and that this is the point of living.

“To laugh often and love much:
To win respect of intelligent people
And the affection of children;
To earn the approbation of honest critics
And endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;
To give one’s self;
To leave the world a little better,
Whether by a healthy child,
A garden patch,
Or redeemed social condition;
To have played and laughed with enthusiasm
And sung with exultation;
To know even one life has breathed easier
Because you have lived…
This is to have succeeded.”

— Ralph Waldo Emerson


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