Women Rock! IWD 2011

"I am woman! I am invincible! I am pooped!" ~Author Unknown

Today is International Womens Day. Its also the 100th anniversary, first celebrated in 1911. Believe it or not, some countries actually celebrate it as a national holiday. We've come a long way baby but I get the distinct feeling we still have a way to go. A world where some women still die in childbirth where in other countries they dont, some women are routinely beaten by thier male relatives, women are still blamed for their own rapes, women still earn less than men overall and have less high powered jobs than men. Shocking stuff so yes, a way to go.

"The test for whether or not you can hold a job should not be the arrangement of your chromosomes." Bella Abzug

A friend lately gave birth to her second child via cesarean section. Both labours failed to progress and it is more than likely that she would not have survived her first labour had she been giving birth 100 years ago or today in a country where maternity care is not a priority. Until all women can expect to survive childbirth, there is inequality.

"When women thrive, all of society benefits, and succeeding generations are given a better start in life." Kofi Annan

A study in 2006 (UK) reported that 'women working part-time earned 39% less per hour than men working full-time'. Women often work part time in order to care for children. In exchange for producing the next generation of well adjusted tax payers, women routinely earn less. Until women can expect to earn the same as men for doing the same job there is inequality.

"You don't have to be anti-man to be pro-woman." ~Jane Galvin Lewis

My Nan co-founded the Greenham Common womens peace camp in Newbury, England, and so that kind of back drop to my younger years instilled in me a firm belief that women can make a real difference, it just takes confidence. Unfortunately confidence is one of the things routinely eroded in women the world over, day in day out. Women are extraordinary, they possess a resiliance, courage and protective instinct that men can only aspire to. I dont mean that in a men-bashing way, just my observation of the mothers I meet and work with.

So I applaud International Womens Day, I unapologetically tweet and facebook about it and I encourage you to do the same. Inequality is not acceptable and neither is silence on the matter. Speak up.

http://www.internationalwomensday.com/ <--Visit this site for specific IWD info


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