Emigration Looking Mighty Attractive

With one NHS Trust losing 22.5% of its staff, health care in the UK is looking dicier by the day.

Check out this article in The Guardian http://m.guardian.co.uk/society/2011/feb/23/nhs-to-lose-50000-jobs?cat=society&type=article

Cutting nhs staff is not the answer to the UKs problems. All that will achieve is a lowering of standards in healthcare. Perhaps the government should look closer to itself to make the savings rather than attacking the living standards of everyday people yet again.

Being a bleeding heart lefty, I was less than overjoyed at the election of a coalition government headed up by the Tories. Doesn't anyone remember what they did to us in the past?

A number of people I spoke to said they were voting blue because of their family friendly policies. Well look at us now.

* Surestart centres - funding slashed and centres closing.
* Tax credits reducing, mainly affecting mid-lower income families
* Child benefit to be gone in next few years
* Massive cuts to our NHS, resulting in poorer health care for us.
* Spiraling fuel costs pushing small businesses out of business
* Spiraling food costs pushing families into hunger - reports show some parents going without food in order to feed their children
* Spiraling costs of energy forcing fuel poverty. That's not affording to keep warm to you and me.
* Pay freezes across most industries as companies feel the pinch. Unfortunately as cost of living increases, this is leaving a family sized discrepancy.

What are we going to do about it? Have the Egyptians got the right idea? What do you think?
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