Look out world!

Today I received a long awaited confirmation... my portfolio passed and I am now a fully qualified, Licenced to practice NCT Breastfeeding Counsellor. Woot! *dances*

I feel like this has taken a long long time but when I consider how much I've changed, how much I've learnt, the people I've met, the experiences lived through in that time, then the time was well worth it. In the mix I have become a mother of three and turned 30 (whether that bit is significant I don't know, LOL).

So all this time I've been building up to this moment. My heart is to support mothers. I love people but I really do think that mothers are extraordinary. I also am in awe of women generally, but there is some other dimension, strength, inner fierce core in a mother that staggers me (incidentally whether she breastfeeds or not). I know its there because I feel it inside myself and I see it in them too.

So, I digress (as usual)... what now? There are plenty of opportunities to get involved so I need to see how I best fit in where I can be the most useful. I do have ideas and plans particularly for local breastfeeding support provision, but my interim plan is to support mothers wherever I can, gain experience and keep going on this amazing journey.

The biggest thank you ever to the people who have supported me to get to this point too. Your presence in my life means the world to me.
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