Boobtastic Media Storm

I'd like to say I'm surprised bit unfortunately I'm not. Today is the day that Facebooks double standards strike again. The Leaky Boob, a wonderful online breastfeeding support community has had its pages disabled.

Apparently it is perfectly acceptable for a page to stay online that gratuitously celebrates leering at breasts, but a community of like minded women supporting one another is deemed obscene.

What's going on? In many countries in the world now its illegal to move on a breastfeeding woman (UK, Indonesia, some US States to name a few) so why can't Facebook get with the program?

Facebook listen to us! There is nothing obscene about breastfeeding! We show less boob than most clothes you'll see out and about on a club night in town.

Its been amazing to see the wave of support come out, with literally 1000's of people signing up to temporary pages in support of The Leaky Boob and its still early days. Never underestimate the power of community!

4000+ women supporters can't all be wrong so before this gets too out of hand, have a go at doing the right thing for once and reinstate the page.
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  1. I'm pretty sure all US States have breastfeeding protection laws.

  2. Hi Dorothy, I guessed there was but I was writing quickly and not being a resident there I wasn't 100% certain it was actually illegal to move a breastfeeding woman on in every state. No offense intended, unlike Facebook! Thanks for your comment :)


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