These are a few of my favourite things...

I saw a question in Twitterland somewhere today - "What are you most looking forward to this Christmas?" and I immediately thought of one thing... then another... then another. Then I started to think that I must surely have a highlight but actually, with a family the size of the one I'm in, that's a very difficult 'one thing' to pin down.

So here is a 'super positive happy Christmas bloggetty blog' of all my favourite (in no particular order) things about Christmas... Sound of Music style!

* Making mutant mince pies with my children on Christmas Eve. I say mutant because baking mince pies is my baking nemesis. They always (and I'm not being dramatic) end up sticky, overflowing, misshapen messes. The kids love them and I tell people that the kids made them so I get away with it.

* Decorating the tree at my Mums house with my 3 siblings and now my own family. This helps ground me again as a daughter, though now I squabble with my 5 year old son about how to decorate the tree rather than my little sister. Our own tree at our house is naturally a bit more 'we have 3 kids 5yrs and under' style if you know what I mean!

* Christmas meal cooked by Mr Tant (husband, not father in law) at our house on Christmas Eve. Our little calm before the madness of the couple days ahead. Kev loves to cook and I love to eat what he cooks. What a perfect symbiotic relationship (basically he's a feeder LOL).

* Stocking opening time on Christmas morning. We've already cracked open the chocolate (guilty Christmas pleasure) and there is nothing like watching the kids besides themselves with excitement over the stocking fillets.

* Christmas breakfast, we have always had pain au chocolat warmed in the oven. What a glorious flaky mess!

* Church on Christmas morning. Great to start the day remembering the reason for the season. The kids all bring a present they've had and show off to each other. Then mulled wine & mince pies (not mine...) before heading off to whichever destination we have planned that year.

So those are some of my highlights. I also love Christmas dinner, whether its at my mums house, generally later in the day or at my parents in laws house (1pm on the dot), and the whole getting family together thing (apart from the arguments that occasionally happen with big family gatherings...).

Then new years, that's fun too, every year a different theme and new and unusual ways to humiliate ourselves.

So loads to look forward to. Good job I like to be busy too right...?

What are you most looking forward to?
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