My kids favourite dinner

A friend of mine gave me a delicious recipe for gravy and it completed this meal for my family. Bear with me as I do this, I haven't written down a recipe before but I'm 'trying something new' today. Hope you enjoy this take on a mash-up of a couple of traditional British meals as much as we do! (pretty cheap to make too!)

For your weaning infant, just remove the sausages from the mini toad. Only use unsalted stock for babys gravy.

Mini Toads, mashed potato and red onion gravy

Preheat the oven to 200'c.

You'll need:

for the mini toads...
12 space muffin tin
9 sausages
Olive oil
4 oz plain flour
2 eggs
200ml milk

for the mashed potato...

potatoes as desired, I usually allow 2 per person plus one!

for the red onion gravy...

1 red onion chopped into half rings
200 mls vegetable stock (depending on how organised I am, this is either from a cube or frozen stock from a previous meal!)
Juices from cooked sausages
2 heaped tsps of brown sugar
Your preferred dried herbs
Sifted flour to thicken if wanted

The Recipe (finally! thinking of all the ingredients took me ages!)

* Pierce the sausages and put them in the oven in an ovenproof dish
* In a bowl, sift in the flour and salt then make a well in the centre. Add the eggs. Start to whisk and gradually add the milk, whisking up to a smooth batter. Set aside.
* Peel and chop the potatoes and put on job to boil. Once soft, mash up with the butter (to taste).
* Put half a tsp of olive oil in each muffin well and put in the oven to warm
* Take sausages from oven, reserve the juices. Chop up sausages into quarters. Take muffin tray from oven, add 3 bits of sausage to each well. Then pour the batter mix into each well. Put back in oven until batter rises and is golden brown. (around 15 mins).
* Fry up the red onion in a frying pan, add the sugar once they've warmed through. Continue to fry to caramelise. Pour sausage 'juices' into frying pan. Continue to fry then add the stock. Continue to simmer, adding small amount of sifted flour to thicken. Simmer for further 5 mins before serving.

SERVE... the 'mini toads' with mashed potatoes and red onion gravy poured over. Enjoy!
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