Letter from Hospital

Got 'the letter' from hospital today. Im not entirely sure what it all means but basically as follows...

He has an ejection systolic heart murmur which they're not overly worried about, but that prompted the 12 lead ECG and chest X-ray which they did not long ago.

Findings of that are Q waves in lateral leads and possibly ventricular hypertrophy. Chest X-ray showed enlarged heart size with minimal perihilar shadowing that could be in keeping with pulmonary oedema. So that's why he's been referred for echocardiography.

So there's a 'possibly' in there as well as a 'could', so that's good right? Now we are just waiting for an appointment to come through. We've been told March time so they're obviously not direly worried about it... they leave that to the mother who can't help it.
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