3 sleeps to go...

I have one last present to get. Though in fact I did already buy it on Amazon, I got an email saying they (amazon) hadn't heard from the seller about despatch. So I emailed the seller asking for a delivery update, no answer. Then another email a week ago, then one yesterday telling them not to bother. *sigh*

Annoying particularly because this person is hard to buy for at the best of times, and now I'm just going to have to pick up a gift card which to my mind lacks imagination but I suppose means they can at least buy what they really want.

I feel like I have loads to do before Christmas still though, and not all of of it particularly Christmas related either. Tidying and cleaning the house so I don't need to do it over the Christmas period much. Buy tea for evening tea at the in-laws. Buy meat for our Christmas Eve meal... I don't eat much meat so goodness know why this task falls to me each year.

Wrap the last of the presents. Bag them up into 'who goes where' bags. Deliver a couple Christmas cards. Make the dreaded mutant mince pies.

Then onto more pleasant activities, an evening with family and friends - a kind of round the Christmas tree gathering we do every year, after all the prep is done and before the Christmas madness. Then Christmas Eve, one of my favourite seasonal days. Kevs off work, spend time with the kids, watching them get more and more excited as the day goes on.

Kev cooks us a Christmas meal in the evening, full works, pudding and crackers. Then when kids finally in bed asleep, we curl up with mince pies and mulled wine to watch the brilliantly Christmassy Love Actually.

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