
I was worried about Wednesday. My husband was still working from 9am and then leading the carol service in the evening so wouldn't be home until late. All the friends I would normally meet up with were busy sorting out Christmas stuff. So *gasp* we would need to entertain ourselves. All day.

Not really that bad, but I did have chores to do in the morning, but turns out the kids wanted to watch Wallace & Grommit so happily lay out in the sofa in the morning and I got loads done. To say I was surprised is an understatement. Those of you with kids will know how hard it can be to get the jobs done with children hanging round your ankles.

At lunchtime I realised I hadn't bought any 'lunch' food as we won't be in much this season. So we went to the local shopping centres cafe. All three behaved so beautifully! They picked out what they wanted and sat down and we talked about whether we wanted it to snow again (yes because Jayden didn't get to make a snowman last time and no because it would stop us getting to Nanas for boxing day). We all had cake, yay! Daisy sat at the table with us, completing our little gang and chewed on her rice cakes and fruit, smiling round at us, clearly pleased to be part of the proceedings.

I then decided to take then to the Magic Castle as a treat, its an indoor soft play area and we walked over, going past the charity shop and on a whim we went in. They had a draw filled with toy cars and motorcycles and I let the boys pick one out each as they had been so good. We got chatting to the shop volunteer and she was charmed by my children who were being so polite and cheerful (I was thinking, who are you and what have you done with my kids?!).

As we went to leave the shop, she came running after us and asked the boys "do you like frogs?" and they looked at me a little quizzically before answering that yes they did. It was so funny to see their uncertainty; eek, why does the crazy lady want to know that?

Then she whipped out from behind her back these 2 cuddly frogs and gave them one each. You should have seen their little eyes light up. They were new frogs too, still had tags on, surprisingly given that it was a charity store. They have not put those frogs down since. They've been to the park, sat at table eating, drawing, been to bed, been out with family...

So we then went to the Magic Castle and they had a lovely time, my husband unexpectedly joined us in.between lessons which was nice, then home to dinner and bedtime. We all curled up on the sofa, me breastfeeding Daisy, them clutching their frogs and when they all got sleepy, one by one I put them in bed (apart from Daisy who sleeps with me).

It was an unexpectedly lovely day, my children were a joy all day. This post might not be the most interesting blog to read as I rambled through a day in our lives, but when I look at those frogs now, they remind me of how I felt on Wednesday and though they were the cheapest gift (make that free!) they'll receive this Christmas, I suspect they're my favourite gift as they remind me of how much I enjoy my children.

Do you have a thing that reminds you of a lovely day? Remember it now and have a happy Christmas!!
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