Think healthy

I don't want to appear too simplistic about this but I do believe that for the vast majority of normal people, health is as much a state of mind as body.

The difference between men and women when they get a cold is a case in point. We playfully suggest that he has 'man-flu' and no I'm not about to go on an anti-male diatribe, but seriously guys... man up! LOL

Of course when I say normal people, I mean people with normal health. I don't mean people with physical illnesses which need medical treatment etc. For goodness sake if you are sick, get help.

I am a normal (and thankful daily) healthy person. Buy at times, like these days, I feel unhealthy. my new daughter is 6 months old, I have a 5 and 3 year old and I need to be functioning at a higher level than I am currently in order to enjoy life more. My bones ache, I feel lethargic and I'm tired and cranky.

But I barely exercise (discounting. the schoolrun) I eat rubbish (not literally LOL) and on top of that I'm a bread eating Coeliac. How stupid is that?

All of which can be rectified if I start thinking differently. Blog earlier in the evening might be a good start, don't eat after 7pm might be another. Go to that exercise class with free creche on a Friday morning would beyond no doubt, start running again (though on a practical note my SPD wrecked pelvis might object to that).

Aaaand the one thing that would make the major difference. Remember that I'm Coeliac so when those lovely cakes and biscuits tempt me, eat a jacket potato instead of that fabulous panini.

It's got to be worth it, and thats where my state of mind comes into it. Just how bad do I want to be healthy? Or am I just used to feeling this way? As a mother I tend to just soldier on anyway because that is what we do, but I know that there is more potential in me than that. I can still carry on but I have the choice to do it feeling x100 better than I do now and probably do a better job than I'm doing now.

Do you think you have more potential too?x
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