Children in Need

A short bloggle today as I'm attached to the TV watching the lovely Terry Wogan. What a legend!

The first total was nearly £5million so a good start. These things used to irritate me as a teen though. It wad incomprehensible to me that they'd 'only' raise 14/15million when there was 55million people living in the UK. I'd think surely if every person gave a quid or even better a fiver, then wouldn't that be amazing.

So all I'd be is infuriated by the whole thing.

As I've gotten older I guess I've mellowed out a bit. Something is after all better than nothing and to boot, the profiles of some amazing charities are raised. There are some incredibly generous people out there with big hearts.

The stories of the things that some children live with are extraordinarily touching. I so hope that every penny reaches the organisations making a difference to children's lives.

As a little bonus too, there's the celebrities making general idiots of themselves in the name of charity.

p.s. I've had a much better day today!
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