Repeating myself now

You see this is the problem with Blogger Droid, I don't actually see my blog, and the last two entries were essentially replica. So now not only am I procrastinating, I'm also going senile. Excellent.

Went to college this morning. I am now so close to qualifying as a breastfeeding counselor. It's so exciting that the end is finally in sight and even better that the 'point' of all of this is finally in sight now.

Ive been thinking about how the course has changed me and I think that confidence comes out on top. Age probably helps that but really its my confidence as a mother, as someone who can bring value to a situation, as a wife, friend...

This week someone directly attacked my parenting style. They questioned why I would have my 4 month child sleeping in my room still with me. World Health Organization recommendations aside, that decision lies with me and my husband. No one else and certainly not her. Did I point this out to her? No I didn't, because to have said anything like that would have humiliated her even though that's what she tried to do to me. So I simply said I have baby in with me because I want to. And I started talking with someone else rather than poke her in the nose which was my first (and less friendly) inclination. How very dare she.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.9


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