Holiday America

We really want to go to America for a holiday to visit relatives. And to start with I was so excited. But now its so stressful. The sceptre of the expense is looming high and huge on the horizon. We want to go but how much do we want to bankrupt ourselves in the process?

It's about ideals too. If we are going to New York state then I really want to goto New York City. To go out there and not see that amazing city would frankly be soul destroying and I don't think I could cope with that.

Initial thoughts are as follows.
* Fly to New York airport
*Stay in hotel for 3 nights while sight seeing
*Hire car (complete with children's seats) for road trip up to relatives home in north New York state for approx 10 days
*Drive back to New York to catch flight back to UK

...unfortunately all this is rolling in at around £3000. Not exactly the sort of cash I've got lying around in piggy banks.

What do u do? How else can I shuffle this to make it work somehow. Answers on a postcard please!
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