Thinking Pink

Today I found out that baby number 3 is a girl. I have two boys already and I was convinced that this one would join the blue club. Or perhaps I convinced myself that because I secretly did want a daughter. So it would seem that I am possibly not destined for a house full of testosterone for the rest of my life (of course the ultrasound technician might be wrong yet!) and I was happy before but now I have another kind of happy to add to it. I lay on that bed/gurney and when it came to it, all I really wanted to see was a beating heart and all the parts in the right places, doing the right thing.

We saw the brain inside the skull, the perfectly formed spine, the four cavities of the heart, pumping away quickly. Two wiggly legs and hands bashfully hiding her face. She flicked a switch and we saw the flow of blood in the cord, that was amazing. Watching life literally flowing through her. A round tummy with a 'full' bladder and the technician told us that all her 'inner bits' like intestines etc looked normal. She is curled up in a little ball, as if in protest over the cold snowy weather outside and I feel a sudden connection because I'd quite like to protest too. Checking her gender seems vaguely intrusive and it takes her a while to give up the secret and we ask the technician to check again before she finishes as she is confident that that this baby is, indeed, a pink one.


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