Schools - My baby is growing up...

On a brighter note, we went to see the school today that my eldest will potentially go to and it was ok, not the kind of school I remember going to. It's very touchy feely, very bright and the teachers are all very young and earnest. Of course every time I saw a child around my little ones age I had to try not to burst into tears like the neurotic puddle I have a tendency to morphe into on occasion. I was quite proud of myself really.

Dear hubby took it on the chin like a man and even conceded it was 'ok, not like my school' so that has to be a good thing seeing as from what I can glean from him, his school was a bit of a graffiti covered flea pit.

Well work calls, must stop faffing on the net when I should be getting dressed. New Years Resolution #756. Oh dear.


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